Veterinarian Argentina - Jobs and Salary, How to find a job

What is the salary of - Veterinarian Argentina?
How to find a job - Veterinarian Argentina?
What are the typical job requirements for this occupation?
Veterinarian Argentina - What are the typical requirements or qualifications in job postings?


The most common places to find a job are: Buenos Aires (capital city), Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, San Miguel de Tucuman, La Plata, Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz
Number of persons of Indian origin in Argentina - 1600

Salary for the job: Veterinarian Argentina - USD 1030 (84496 INR)
Average salary Argentina - USD 554 (45428 INR)
Wages are paid in local currency: ARS (Argentine pesos)

The impact of the work experience on the salary:
Experienced: + 20%
Mid-Career: + 9%
Entry-Level: - 11%


Chart: (1) Salary - Veterinarian India (2) Salary - Veterinarian Argentina


Chart: (1) Salary - Veterinarian (2) Average salary - Argentina


Chart: (1) Experienced (2) Medium experience (3) Partialy experience


Salary - Veterinarian: (1) Argentina (2) Brazil (3) Chile


Salary - Argentina: (1) Veterinarian (2) Shepherd (3) Farmworker

Employee benefits
Retirement plan: Yes
Health insurance: Yes
Internal and external training courses: Yes
Career development plan for the employees: Yes

Typical job requirements
Education level: University degree
Certification: Required
IT literate: Not necessary
Probation period: Not usual
Official language: Spanish
Knowledge of foreign languages: Necessary
Driver's licence: Necessary
Work experience: Impact on the salary - Medium

Job type:
Full Time Job
Part Time Job
Contract employment
Industry: agriculture and fishing jobs

Working time and paid leave
Working week: Monday - Friday
Working hours per week: 40
Overtime working hours: Yes
Paid vacation days: 14 (The contract may be different)
Paid public holidays: 11
Lunch break: Yes
Lunch break duration: 30 minutes
Flexible working hours: Rarely

Unemployment rate Argentina - 8.2%
Retirement age Argentina - 60-65

Companies in Argentina, with the highest published employment and wages for this occupation - veterinarian, are pet shops, veterinary services providers and social organizations.

A career as a veterinarian can be financially rewarding, depending on the individual and their chosen field of specialization. Veterinarians can enjoy a stable income, as well as job security, as demand for veterinary services continues to grow.

As a veterinarian, you can enjoy the satisfaction of helping animals and their families, as well as the opportunity to work in a variety of settings such as private practices, universities, research facilities and zoos. You can also have the potential to open your own practice and be your own boss.

Veterinarians typically receive an extensive salary package which includes a competitive salary and benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans and paid time off. They may also receive bonuses, depending on the setting, and have opportunities for advancement.

A career as a veterinarian provides many other benefits beyond financial rewards. You can also enjoy the rewards of working on challenging cases, performing surgeries and diagnosing illnesses, as well as the opportunity to work with a variety of animals. The work is also often physically and emotionally rewarding, and you can develop strong relationships with the animals, their owners and the other members of the veterinary team.

All in all, a career as a veterinarian can be both financially and personally rewarding. With the right training and dedication, it can be a fulfilling and satisfying career.

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