Physician Berlin - Jobs and Salary, How to find a job

What is the salary of - Physician Berlin?
How to find a job - Physician Berlin?
What are the typical job requirements for this occupation?
Physician Berlin - What are the typical requirements or qualifications in job postings?

Salary for the job: Physician Berlin - USD 10887 (892719 INR)
Average salary Berlin - USD 3381 (277242 INR)
Wages are paid in local currency: EUR (Euros)

The impact of the work experience on the salary:
Experienced: + 31%
Mid-Career: + 16%
Entry-Level: - 12%


Chart: (1) Salary - Physician India (2) Salary - Physician Berlin


Chart: (1) Salary - Physician (2) Average salary - Berlin


Chart: (1) Experienced (2) Medium experience (3) Partialy experience


Salary - Physician: (1) Berlin (2) Munich (3) Hamburg

Employee benefits
Retirement plan: Yes
Health insurance: Yes
Internal and external training courses: Yes
Career development plan for the employees: Yes

Typical job requirements
Education level: Completed graduate medical education program
Certification: Required
IT literate: Not necessary
Probation period: Not usual
Official language: German
Knowledge of foreign languages: Necessary
Driver's licence: Not necessary
Work experience: Impact on the salary - Medium

Job type:
Full Time Job
Part Time Job
Temporary Job
Night Shift
Contract employment
Industry: healthcare jobs

Working time and paid leave
Working week: Monday - Friday
Working hours per week: 40
Overtime working hours: Yes
Paid vacation days: 20 (The contract may be different)
Paid public holidays: 9
Lunch break: Yes
Lunch break duration: 30 minutes
Flexible working hours: Rarely

Companies in Berlin, with the highest published employment and wages for this occupation - physician, are hospitals and other medical institutions.

A physician job requires a wide range of skills and knowledge in order to provide effective and efficient medical care to patients. First and foremost, a physician must have a strong foundation in the basic sciences, such as anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology. They must also have a thorough understanding of medical ethics and patient confidentiality. Additionally, a physician must have excellent communication skills in order to effectively communicate with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals. They must also have strong critical thinking skills in order to diagnose and treat illnesses and diseases. A physician must also possess the ability to work well under pressure and be able to handle the physical and emotional demands of the job. Finally, a physician must have a strong desire to continue learning and staying current with the latest medical advancements and treatments.

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