Caregiver for elderly Hungary - Jobs and Salary, How to find a job

What is the salary of - Caregiver for elderly Hungary?
How to find a job - Caregiver for elderly Hungary?
What are the typical job requirements for this occupation?
Caregiver for elderly Hungary - What are the typical requirements or qualifications in job postings?


The most common places to find a job are: Budapest (capital city), Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc, Pécs, Győr
Number of persons of Indian origin in Hungary - 1800

Salary for the job: Caregiver for elderly Hungary - USD 693 (56796 INR)
Average salary Hungary - USD 936 (76752 INR)
Wages are paid in local currency: HUF (Hungarian forints)

The impact of the work experience on the salary:
Experienced: + 18%
Mid-Career: + 10%
Entry-Level: - 7%


Chart: (1) Salary - Caregiver for elderly India (2) Salary - Caregiver for elderly Hungary


Chart: (1) Salary - Caregiver for elderly (2) Average salary - Hungary


Chart: (1) Experienced (2) Medium experience (3) Partialy experience


Salary - Caregiver for elderly: (1) Hungary (2) Austria (3) Slovenia


Salary - Hungary: (1) Caregiver for elderly (2) Child caregiver (3) Medical laboratory technician

Employee benefits
Retirement plan: Not common
Health insurance: Yes
Internal and external training courses: Generally no
Career development plan for the employees: Very common

Typical job requirements
Education level: College degree
Certification: Required
IT literate: Not necessary
Probation period: Not usual
Official language: Hungarian
Knowledge of foreign languages: Not necessary
Driver's licence: Not necessary
Work experience: Impact on the salary - Medium

Job type:
Full Time Job
Part Time Job
Temporary Job
Contract employment
Contract employment
Freelance Job
Internship Job
Industry: personal services jobs

Working time and paid leave
Working week: Monday - Friday
Working hours per week: 40
Overtime working hours: Not frequently
Paid vacation days: 20 (The contract may be different)
Paid public holidays: 13
Lunch break: Yes
Lunch break duration: 30 minutes
Flexible working hours: Generally yes

Unemployment rate Hungary - 4.9%
Retirement age Hungary - 65

Companies in Hungary, with the highest published employment and wages for this occupation - caregiver for elderly, are nursing homes and adult daycare centers.

Caregivers for adults typically earn less than many other occupations that require similar levels of education and training. However, their job is often considered to be highly rewarding as it allows them to make a positive impact on the lives of those they care for. Additionally, the demand for caregivers is expected to grow as the population ages, which may lead to increased opportunities for employment and potentially higher salaries in the future. Some caregivers may choose to work for agencies or home care companies, which often offer benefits such as health insurance and paid time off. Others may choose to work independently, which can offer more flexibility but may also come with additional responsibilities such as managing finances and taxes. Despite the lower pay, many caregivers find their work to be deeply fulfilling and choose to stay in this field for many years.

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